Trinity Troopers
Trinity Troopers
At Clent Parochial Primary School, we have a Team of Trinity Troopers (TTT) which is made up of a representatives from Year 3/4 and Year 5/6. The children meet weekly to create assemblies related to each half term's value. The children are tasked with planning the assembly, choosing what they want to do, what bible readings/songs they want to include and they also reflect on the assembly afterwards. The TTT also discuss how we are able to show our Values around the school and what this means. Continue reading to find out about the TTT assemblies to date.
Proverb display by Daisy and Poppy
Friendship - July 2022
This term our value was Friendship. We wanted to tell a Bible story that showed Friendship so we found the story of David and Jonathan. Through an act of true kindness, Jonathan saves David's life by ensuring that he is not found by King Saul. For many years while David hid from Saul's anger, Jonathan stayed with him and protected him from danger. We thought that this was a lovely act of friendship.
We also created an acrostic poem and we asked some children to come and hold up the letters that make Friendship.
We also created a prayer for this assembly:
Dear Lord,
Help us to be kind to our friends and help us to think about each other. Make sure people know there is always someone to help.
Take a look at some pictures from the assembly:
Kindness - April 2022
This half term, our value is Kindness. We wanted to create a play to show how being kind to people is really important and how it can make someone's day. We challenged the children at the end of the assembly to do something kind for 5 people that day. The ideas we received were:
- Giving compliments
- Helping people with their work
- Playing with someone new on the playground
- Holding open the doors
- Smiling!
We also created a special prayer for our collective worship. The prayer was:
Dear Lord,
Be kind to one another and help us to forgive each other. Remember to understand people and respect their opinions.
Take a look at some of the pictures from the collective worship.