St. Leonard's Church
A Warm Welcome From Reverend Kim Topham
St Leonard’s church
Hello everyone, my name is Revd Kim and I’m assistant curate to St Leonard’s church. I’m so looking forward to meeting all of you and your children.
Your church is here to serve you, offering spiritual guidance, practical assistance and helping you through life marking moments such as baptisms, weddings and funerals.
The church is open every day from 8.00am – 7.00pm, please do come and have a look round.
I’m always available for a chat, especially if there’s cake involved!
The parish of Clent works very closely with the parish of Hagley and so our three churches, St Leonard’s, St John’s and St Saviour’s are looked after by myself and Revd Richard Newton who is based in Hagley. I’m based in Clent and so have closer contact with its parishioners.
I’m a Foundation governor and take a very keen interest in all aspects of school life. The church and school work very closely with each other and have built very strong links over the years, with many of the school’s seasonal services taking place in church. St Leonard’s Open the Book team have also visited school to lead assemblies each month and the church junior choir is being developed from within school.
Each Autumn, the new children starting in reception and their families are invited to a welcome service in church and each Summer our year six children hold their farewell service at St Leonard’s.
The church also hosts a community Choir, for people who just love to sing. You don’t need to read music, you just need to have a passion for singing. We rehearse every Wednesday evening in church.
Bible Book club hosted via Zoom every other Tuesday. This is a time where we pick apart and question a passage for the week. It’s also a time for any other questions people may have regarding church and its traditions.
St Leonard’s church very much supports the work of Clent connect, our village support group. We’re very much looking forward to the new Hub being created at the parish hall.
Everyone is welcome to attend services, below is our usual pattern of services with a family service which moves around the three churches in our benefice on the third Sunday. All our services are held at 10.30am, with a Zoom service every 1st and 2nd Sunday of the month for those who find it difficult to get to church.
First Sunday All age service Zoom Service 5.00pm
Second Sunday Communion service
Third Sunday Family Service Zoom service 5.00pm
Fourth Sunday Communion Service
Here are a few of our contacts should you need them:
Revd Kim Topham 07952 162373
Revd Richard Newton 01562 882442
Church office – Sue 01562 886363 Mon – Thurs – Fri 9.00 – 1.00pm
Safeguarding – Natalie 07983 400811
Church website -
Church Facebook page - St Leonard’s Church, Clent