Early Years Foundation Stage
At Clent Parochial Primary School we understand the importance of starting school and how success in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) leads to good progress through school life. To ensure we can provide the best possible start for our pupils our reception class is limited to 15 places. Our children are supported by highly skilled teachers and a full-time teaching assistant.
Parents as Partners
We recognise that children learn and develop well when there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers. We aim to develop caring, respectful and professional relationships with children and their families. This is enhanced by using the online Learning Journal Tapestry where parents can see observations and interactions staff have had with their children. We also support parents by hosting half termly parent presentations to support families in their understanding of learning in the EYFS.
A Balanced Approach, The Clent Way
Our reception class follows the curriculum as outlined in the 2021 Statutory Framework of the EYFS. The EYFS Framework includes seven areas of learning and development that are equally important and interconnected. All seven areas of learning are incorporated into the curriculum and planning is cross curricular across all areas.
Our children learn through a range of play-based opportunities as well as adult led and independent activities. They have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that gives them the range of knowledge and skills needed for success in the reception year, a smooth transition into Key Stage 1 and good progress through school life. Experienced early years teachers and teaching assistants ensure the children develop a secure foundation through planning for the learning and development of each individual child along with assessing and reviewing what they have learned regularly. All staff bring an excellent wealth of experience, knowledge and understanding of how the youngest pupils in our school learn and develop.
Our outdoor environment includes access to a forest school area which helps to further enhance the children's learning. Through exploring and gaining new learning experiences, engaging with the outdoor environment (whatever the weather) children develop into adaptable, resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.
We plan for and deliver daily whole class teaching carpet sessions that include phonics, mathematics, literacy, reading practice and handwriting as well as weekly Physical Development and Forest School Sessions. Helicopter Stories are used to develop children’s love for writing and over the school year each child’s progress can be seen as they write more of their own imaginative stories. In addition to our planned teaching sessions all staff plan in the moment to move children’s learning forward, inspired by the children’s own curiosity, understanding and development.
We believe that all of these aspects combined make for the best possible start to school life for every child at Clent Parochial Primary School. The Clent way brings out the best in each child.
Early Language Intervention
At Clent we focus on oral language skills at school entry. Our aim is for all our children to improve their language skills early in their school career to help with literacy development. We use:
- NHS speech and language therapists to assess and track progress where needed
- the Nuffield Early Language Intervention programme to help improve children's vocabulary, develop narrative skills, encourage active listening and build confidence in independent speaking.
Please also see our class page for further details about our current term's topic: