Safeguarding our children is of paramount importance to us at Clent Parochial Primary School; this page is designed for parents and families to help us work together. Safeguarding is woven into our curriculum through PSHE lessons, Computing and IT, assemblies and through special events and external visitors.
There are three members of staff who are trained in Safeguarding:
Mrs Hyland (Headteacher/ Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Miss Bowden ( Assistant Head / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)- maternity leave
Miss Priest (Acting Assistant Head/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs Banthorpe (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
They attend termly update meetings and regular training in all aspects of Safeguarding. Reverend Kim Topham is also available to speak to in a pastoral capacity and her telephone number is: 07952 162373
Every other member of staff in school has received training in safeguarding with each academic year commencing with this as the first part of our teacher day. If any parents, families or visitors have concerns about the welfare or safety of any children from Clent, please contact any of our Safeguarding leaders without delay.
If an adult is worried about the safety or welfare of a child during holiday periods or at weekends you can report this to Family Front Door. The team receives calls from professionals, members of the community, family members, children and young people directly. Please contact the Family Front Door directly on 01905 822666. For out of hours support use 01905 768020.