Get Safe
Have you seen a change in a child's behaviour or routines? Do they have unexplained money, clothing or gifts? Do you think they maybe being criminally exploited?
If you have an immediate safeguarding concern for a child, you must call the police on 999. If your concern is about activity in the Worcestershire area which you believe may indicate crimes being committed e.g. drug dealing or Modern-Day Slavery, please contact the police on 101.
If you wish to discuss a not immediate safeguarding concern about a child aged 0 to 18 years then please contact our Family Front Door on 01905 822666 during office hours. In emergencies out of hours the number is 01905 768020. Worcester Children First has collated information on criminal exploitation of children and young people and have a dedicated Get Safe team who works closely with partner agencies in Worcestershire. The team is contactable for advice on 01905 845568 or at